Monday, January 16, 2017

Spring Fever

It's been so nice the last few days, a bit of rain, but still nice, low to mid 60's all week.  Normally I'd be freezing, but I can feel spring in the air.  Yes, I know technically there is still two months before spring is officially here, but that doesn't stop me from dreaming and catching the fever.  Even Grangeman has the fever along with Doodles.

We ran to Summer Winds Nursery today.  I like that nursery over the big box hardware stores because they get different plants in that you can't find in the big box stores.  We ran there because I was after some strawberry plants, lemon balm and Thai basil.  I got two out of the three and then some....

We also got a tomato plant that we will plant under the orange tree on the side yard where the girls were.  Right now it is the only place to plant as we have a puppy and he runs through our raised beds, there is no way we would have any plant left if we put in one of those.

Lemon Balm is the top plant AKA Melissa, a very expensive essential oil, the lower plant is Stevia.

Japanese Giant Red Mustard is the top plant, this plant tastes a bit like horseradish/mustard combined, it will get pretty little yellow flowers on it, on the left are Chives & the lower right is Italian Oregano.


Grangeman just recently planted this basil, we had numerous self seeded basil plants here, but they were getting rangy and more woody than plant so they got replaced.

We decided to put these in pots to determine where there best placement will be once it starts getting hot outside.  We will also be able to move them inside of the house if need be, I'd like to try to keep them rather than replace each year.

I know we will more than likely get a few more cold snaps before spring officially gets here, but I just can't wait.  Spring is my favorite season! 

M & S
Uptown Grange