Please excuse my absence.
On to our fall garden update. The Garden Lasagna is still brewing away, we haven't seen much breakdown yet. For some reason I don't think we will be able to plant in these beds until it's time for our spring planting.
The side yard where our girls were has been growing, some plants and doing what they are supposed to be doing, while others are dragging their to speak. Everything is up, just not moving at the pace that I wish they would grow.
The Asian Long Beans are doing very well. The Hubs created a little fence to put between the rows so that the beans have something to climb on.
We had some plants come up that we know we didn't plant. We scratched our head one night when we were weeding because we kept seeing these plants. The Hubs says "How did these get here?" Me: "I don't know".... ding ding ding ....we used to feed our girls tomatoes from the garden that the wild birds got to, so our girls sort of left us something behind for us to enjoy. There are about 20 tomato plants mixed in our garden, hopefully we will have some fresh tomatoes this winter in addition to our other crops.
Monday will be a busy day planting the cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, green beans, broccoli. It should be interesting being two planters down, but we will figure it out.
M & S
Uptown Grange
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