OMGoodness! So far this fall garden is appearing to be a bumper crop!
We thought for sure we were going to lose some of our long beans from the hail storm a few weeks ago, but they seem to be thriving. They are to a point where they are starting to climb up the trellis that Hubs made for them.
The radishes are going crazy, we’ve enjoyed a few from the garden already and they are huge we've grown radishes in the past but they have never been this large and they are very tasty. We will be planting some more here within the next few weeks. These can be grown most of the winter here in Arizona.
Of course we have to thank our girls as they helped us with their awesome fertilizer for being on the side yard for over 2 years!
The kale, swiss chard, beets and bush beans are coming up nicely, hoping for a crop of each by Thanksgiving.
Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and spinach are showing signs of coming up, they were planted two weeks ago.
We are so impressed with the seeds that we purchased online. If you think about it, the seeds cost less than they would if you were buying organic seeds in a big box hardware store or other big box store. The average price is $2.25 to $3.00 per package, they are organic GMO free seeds. EVERY seed that we plant has come up without fail, this is a bonus as normally if you buy seeds from one of the above type stores you are guessing if they will come up and how big your crop will be. You do have to pay for shipping but that cost is minimal {$5.00 at most}, also they are such an awesome company, each time we’ve bought seeds from them, they have thrown in a random seed packet for free! We will definitely be purchasing our seeds from them again and again.
M & S
Uptown Grange
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