Friday, October 23, 2015

Tidying Up!

OH BOY!  We have a lot of clutter, and I mean a lot.  We like to collect things, so I am going to change that from clutter to collections.  Our collections range from Ball & Kerr jars, clocks, meat grinders, enamelware and a lot of other primitive items I’ve collected along the way. 

We also have what I like to call the “ROOM OF DOOM{my nemesis}.   Before we bought the house it was my mom’s sewing room.  My parents converted the former living room into a “room” so my mom had a front door for her business and people weren’t walking through our house, she was a professional monogrammer.  Anyway, the hubs took out the window and put a closet in its place.  The intention of the room was a craft/sewing room/small storage room for our family. 

It has just taken on a life of its own.  If we’ve had a project in the house and had to box things up, yep, you guessed it, it goes in that room.  If there are items that we have intentions of getting rid of, yep, you guessed it, they get put in that room.  If we don’t have a use for it right then and there, yep, you guessed it, it goes in that room. 

You see, I have a problem, I’ve inherited from my mom, she got it from here mom and now our youngest son has it also, we like to hoard….there I’ve said it….we aren’t the type where the wall will come tumbling down if you move one thing from the pile, but I have a problem letting go of things.
I still have some of our boys’ clothes, shoes and toys {they are 19 & 16}, the reason I tell myself is “someday we will have grandchildren and they can use those items”.  It will be cheaper to have the toys already bought and paid for...right...eye roll….by the time we have grand-kids the toys will be brittle, the clothes will have holes or no elastic and the shoes will have no grip left on the soles.  I know these things need to go, most of them, but I can’t part with them.  I really need help.  I plan on reading a couple of de-collectioning {like how I just made up that phrase} books over the weekend to find some inspiration. 

If you have a story or advice, please feel free to leave a message, I am open to suggestions.  I’ll let you know what I feel or think or if anything in the way of de-collectioning was done over the weekend.

M & S
Uptown Grange


  1. I am a hoarder but am slowly learning to take control. This month I've done two car boot sales. First one with hubby clear profit of over £100 and second on my own cleared £50. It's been so empowering. Do it little and often one bag a day and you will have the house of your dreams.

    1. It is a challenge, I understand, living with my mom has helped curb my hoarding instinct, plus the hubs has encouraged me over the years to purge stuff. I am hoping once I really start purging I can start making a little money doing it as well!


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