Grange man and Dude were drawn for late season bull elk in 5b up near Lake Mary, AZ. The season is from the Friday after Thanksgiving to the following Thursday, so only 7 days. From what I’ve been able to see Arizona Game and Fish issued 590 tags to this same area for this time frame. While 6A just across Lake Mary road they issued 825 tags for the same time frame.
They went up on Thanksgiving Day after we ate our dinner, made camp about 4:00 p.m. and started scouting. Grange man said there were people camping at every corner. The decision was made to come home on Saturday evening after they had tried all day, and that they would head back up on Tuesday or Wednesday after most of the campers left {hopefully}. They saw a total of two bull elks and only 7 hanging while they were up there.
Wednesday was the day, the are leaving around 3:30 in the morning so that there is at least 2 full days left for hunting.
Send good hunting juju or vibes, we could use them.
M & S
Uptown Grange
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